Monday, March 1, 2010

You know what....

Just because my sewing machine is broken doesn’t mean I still can’t create. When the lights go out you still can see...TRUST, think about that! So, as I’m "creating" my itunes are going and in the midst of finishing the sketch this song came on. Everything about this production is dope, hands down one of my tops from N.E.R.D. But for some reason this time around it had much more meaning than I’m sure they intended for it to have. Do you understand this song and what it does when you’re in the middle of doing something you absolutely love doing? A great interpretation and common relation for most people is we often refer to the love for an inanimate object as our “significant other” so to speak. With that, I think it’s safe to say I have a girlfriend and I think I will marry her, world meet jag saint joi, jag saint joi meet the world! Isn't she lovely? Yea, that’s why I married her! You don’t have to like her or the journey she’s taking me on but you will respect her...